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Advanced use cases

Add a custom project

This part of the documention isn't complete yet, but we're planning to improve / extend it.

This part of the documention isn't complete yet, but we're planning to improve / extend it.

By design, a project is self contained and cannot access services from other projects, besides those exposed to the outside (e.g. apache)

Connect to a external service using ip addresses in the range

This is an advance topic, don't follow the instructions blindly without being sure what you are doing.

This is a known problem, as Docker uses the same ip range for internal container connections.
So instead of connecting the the external service, Docker routes the traffic to the internal service.

A workaround is to set another ip range as bridge ip (bip) from a private ip range that doesn't overlap with the external service.

The bip value needs to be added to the /etc/docker/daemon.json file.

On Docker for Mac, this file doesn't exist physically, but you can add it through the Docker menu > Preferences... > Daemon > Advanced

The bipinfo should look like this:

  "bip": ""

By default, Docker then calculates the range for the docker-compose or custom networks from the next range. More information on following links: